Friday, December 23, 2016

Advent 2016: Broken; Healing

The world is broken:
I felt it in the hearts of a nation

     who put their hopes in leaders.

Yet we heed people like us:
wicked, prideful, and vain.
Fools - we reject the righteous
for conniving campaigns.

The world is broken:
I heard it in the cries of a family
     lamenting a loss.

They dress in the weight of
emptiness: a massive thing.
Absence ne'er becomes native - 
The world isn't answering.

The world is broken:
I saw it in the eyes of a mother
    who never met her child.

But Spring oft follows death;
The womb can be filled again.
Movement of God's own breath:
Hope of young eyes opened.

The world is healing:
I know it in the hay of a manger,
    cooing at the beasts surrounding.

Born sinless (unlike me),
the Christ-Child come to Earth
to spread good news as ivy:
Through him, there is second birth.

The world is healing:
I know it on the tongues of the Church
     praising their God and King.

We may lose child or friend
and mourn with great comfort,
knowing the King with no end
who, for our sake, suffered.