Sunday, December 24, 2017

Advent 2017

Electric red behind me
carried on evergreen aroma
through a nostalgic, melodic sea
in this Christmas corona.

Layered humbly 'neath these songs,
my dear love reads stories to my joy.
My soul settles in, for here it longs
to linger for awhile and enjoy.

What a grace from our Father
in granting me such a family;
Undeserved gift from Master Potter
who pledged love infallibly.

Yet these lights are a shadow
of his fulfillment - the Holy Son.
This peace is a reflection shallow
of what Christ already won.

In this moment I perceive
my need to be rescued from my sin
and the salvific grace I received
from the one and rightful King.

In the giggle of my babe,
I hear the score "the Lord will provide,"
first and foremost in the Son displayed,
hinted at this Advent night.