Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Long Expected: Advent 2014

I have been waiting like a nation waits for a king.
I have been waiting like a mother for what labor brings.
I have been gripping at my chest with homesickness absurd
but I still live in my hometown! What, this sickness, could've spurred?

Akin to Israel, who, rejecting God, still waited -
expecting Him to defeat some government they hated.
They, not knowing what they needed, filled their hearts with idols,
even in waiting for kings with military titles.

I am of the same heart - hard to a defeating Savior -
because I wanted to save myself with romance or labor.
I was conquered by another force. Oh, the emptiness!
Yet, the crushing weight of ignoring the Lord's holiness.

Then came thou long expected Jesus, first as a baby -
You taught your sheep to follow you, wherever you may be.
A sweeter advent yet when you arrived to forgive me
and I will not forget the kindness of your grace and mercy!

Now we wait for your return as bare branches wait for Spring,
for they'll be full of life again as when we see our King.
In your past advents we rest; For your next advent we hold,
where we will bow at your feet and your glory we'll behold.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Shadows: Advent 2014

The Sun rises, the Sun sets,
and Night's fingers grip Earth.
In the Moon, we won't forget:
the Sun is set for rebirth.

As the Earth is frozen down
to the depths, trees pass away -
Yet our brother Spring comes 'round
like the start of a new day.

Even as a child is born
to show life can be made,
that we may not be forlorn
having seen such might displayed.

All to prepare us for Light
that casts these simple shadows
of gripping Death born to Life -
soon they will seem so shallow.

I take great joy in Winter,
who taught to rightly love Spring,
and these shadows that whisper
of the rebirth Christ will bring.