Man, oh man, oh man. This week was awesome. Let's start with the last day though.
If I had to sum up the day in one sentence, it would be "what are you doing when you leave?" Let me tell you, it was a motivating and challenging question. So often when we leave a conference or "emotional high," we fall fast the next day, or even hour, after getting home. We were fortunate enough to be a part of God saving one of the students, her and another already-saved student being baptized in Western Illinois University's pool, and countless, immeasurable life-change at the hands of our Father. We had a lot to forget about in the next hour and I know from experience the enemy and his demons attack hard even as we sit down in the van homeward.
Our speaker that night challenged us hard, as to help kick us into high gear and awareness. The message he spoke was on Matthew 5:13-16, that we are the salt and light to the world. We are supposed to make the world thirst for water (Jesus) and light their way to him. But, as he was sure to point out, if we lose our saltiness, we are worthless. This bold truth was met by shock from the audience. However, he continued saying that we are all looking for worth in life, and we're only going to find it in Christ and working for his glory. It was a great message.
The session ended with acknowledging those who made commitments to follow Christ for the first time and accept the mercy and grace he offers through his sacrifice, repenting of sin and returning to him, and a desire to pursue vocational ministry. We then cleared out the floor to worship our God together, complete with a little fun of the worship leader getting into a giant hamster ball for the last song. Not necessary, but enjoyable to watch.
At MOVE, I saw a fire ignite, and reignite, in the hearts of our high school students. It is times like these I know that the students of my church can do more for the Kingdom than I ever will, if they let God use them. I look up to a couple of them and cannot wait to see them spread God's word and gospel through the world.